Rimandiamo all’elenco norme/pubblicazioni sul tema “Forgiatura/Forging” mentre potete scaricare i documenti, flier e brochure presentati alla conferenza sotto elencati:

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Flier Infodoc generale
Flier Infodoc general info ENGLISH
ASME BPVC 2023 Order Form
SAE SuperPaks – SAE Mobilus
Listino prezzi / Price List IFM 2024
ASTM DS67D Handbook of Comparative World Steel Standards, 5th ed.
ASTM MNL53 Steel Forgings: Design, Production, Selection, Testing, and Application
ASTM STP903 Steel Forgings Volume 1
ASTM STP1259 Steel Forgings Volume 2
ASM Handbooks Full List
ASM – Cold and Hot Forging: Fundamentals and Applications
Open Die Forging Technology with Failure Analysis – Special & Alloyed Steels (SMR Premium GmbH)