CINDAS LLC – Acciai inossidabili 347 e 348 revisionati ed aggiornati
Nel mese di maggio 2019 sono stati revisionati ed aggiornati i seguenti materiali presenti all’interno delle basi di dati ASMD, HPAD ed AHAD:
May 2019 – ASMD/HPAD/AHAD – Revision & Update to 347/348 Stainless Steel Chapter
Type 347 is a stabilized austenitic stainless steel that is widely used because of its resistance to sensitization. Type 348 is a modification of 347 in which the tantalum is restricted to a maximum of 0.10 percent for applications in the nuclear industry. The original chapter of these alloys was written in 1977. This update expands the data on these important alloys with additional data developed since the original chapter was written.